Healthy Gums Do Matter toolkit
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The Healthy Gums Do Matter toolkit has been developed by the Greater Manchester Local Dental Network (GM LDN), a group of general dental practitioners, patients, commissioners and specialists, in association with NHS England Greater Manchester dental commissioners, to help dental teams raise the standards of periodontal care management in primary care and bridge the gap between how periodontal care is currently delivered and how it should be. It distils specialist guidance on prevention and treatment into workable care pathways for NHS dental practices.
The BSP is delighted to host the Healthy Gums DO Matter (HGDM) Second Edition – Periodontal Management in Primary Dental Care toolkit and resources on our website. The second edition has been updated to align with current guidance and the BSP’s implementation plan for the 2017 classification system of periodontal disease and conditions.
Healthy Gums Do Matter toolkit
HGDM toolkit second edition (interactive pdf) - All the contents pages have been hyperlinked to the relevant sections in the toolkit. Anytime you would like to navigate back to the contents page, just click the HGDM logo in the top left of the page. Online resources referenced in the toolkit have all been hyperlinked for ease of access to external websites and documents.
HGDM quick reference guide - Accompanying resources for the toolkit (pathway diagrams, pocket charts, plaque and bleeding tables, clinical notes templates, etc.)
- Gum Health Improvement patient agreement