Awards & Prizes 2021
The BSP annual awards and prizes for research into periodontology and implant dentistry continue to be extremely popular. BSP Council wish to thank all of the 2021 Award applicants. Unfortunately, due to continuing COVID-19 restrictions, we have been unable to present any prizes face-to-face. However, we are delighted to announce the winners in the categories below.
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The Sir Wilfred Fish Research Prize, instituted in 1970, is awarded annually by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, with the object of encouraging researchers in the early stages of their career. The Prize takes the form of a cash award of £1,000.
The 2021 judges have shortlisted the applications to the following two entries:
- Chandni Shah - "Vaping and periodontal therapy response."
- Chaitanya Pradeep Joshi - "Coronary Artery Disease Risk is Increased by Periodontal Pathobionts."
The entrants were given the opportunity to present their research at the BSP Conference in London 12-14 November 2021. The Judges found them both to be of a very high standard.
The BSP is delighted to announce that the winner of The Sir Wilfred Fish Research Prize 2021 is Chaitanya Pradeep Joshi.
The Clinical Fellowship Award is designed to enhance clinical training by providing support for successful applicants to participate in or attend events that have a clear educational benefit, with explicitly stated educational outcomes. With a maximum award of up to £4,000, the 2021 prize has been awarded to:
Anastasiya Orishko
The BSP Research Grant is designed to support postgraduate research development and training with a value up to £5,000. The primary purpose is to enable the successful applicants to undertake research projects with a clear application in periodontology. The 2021 prize has been awarded to:
- Joanna Batt
The Systematic Review Prize, instituted in 2018, is awarded annually by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, with the object of encouraging researchers in the early stages of their career. The Prize takes the form of a cash award of £1000.
This year we have received the following two entries:
- Oliver Jones - "Azithromycin as an Adjunct to Subgingival Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal in the Treatment of Grade C Periodontitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis"
- Rizky Irwandi - "Circulating inflammatory cell profiling and periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
The Systematic Review Prize entries were judged at the BSP Conference in London 12-14 November 2021.
The BSP is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2021 Systematic Review Prize is Oliver Jones.
The Frank Ashley Undergraduate Prize is designed to encourage dental and hygiene therapy undergraduates at UK Dental Schools to undertake a project that has a clear educational benefit in periodontology. There were two awards made for 2021, with each winner receiving a prize of £500:
- Jane Murray - "Does the prebiotic N-acetyl-Dmannosamine increase the proportion of beneficial bacteria when added with the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri to in vitro models of periodontal biofilms?"
- Oliver Ryder - "A Literature Review into the Mechanisms and Uses of Platelet Rich Fibrin in Periodontology. Is it Effective?"
The BSP hold an annual poster prize competition with two categories: Research and Clinical Case Report.
The Prizes each take the form of a cash award of £500.
The poster must demonstrate either:
- Original scientific research which has an application to periodontology. A systematic review cannot be submitted; or
- Details of a clinical case which may have multi-disciplinary content but with the main theme being the periodontal management.
Work must be unpublished (with the exception of Conference abstracts).
The Poster Prize entries were judged at the BSP Conference in London 12-14 November 2021.
Research Poster
This year we had one entry for this category:
The judges are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2021 Research Poster is Shivani Rani.
Clinical Case Report Poster
This year we had three entrants for this category:
The judges are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2021 Clinical Case Report Poster is Rajpal Tattar.