Awards & Prizes 2020
The BSP annual awards and prizes for research into periodontology and implant dentistry continue to be extremely popular. BSP Council wish to thank all of the 2020 Award applicants.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we have been unable to present any prizes face-to-face. However, we are delighted to announce the winners and shortlisted applicants in the categories below.
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The Sir Wilfred Fish Research Prize, instituted in 1970, is awarded annually by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, with the object of encouraging researchers in the early stages of their career. The Prize takes the form of a cash award of £1,000.
The 2020 judges shortlisted the applications to the following three entries:
- Patrick Fee - "Examining the effectiveness of different dental recall strategies on maintenance of periodontal health: four-year results from a randomised controlled trial"
- Cher Farrugia - "Role of Fusobacterium nucleatum and Multispecies Interactions in Endothelial Damage"
- Rajaishee Armugam - "Comparing the Attitudes of Dental Students from Japan to those from the UK and Brazil When Managing Patients with Inherited Bleeding Disorders"
The entrants were given the opportunity to present their research, via webinar, on the 8th December. The judges were extremely impressed by all of the presentations.
The BSP is delighted to announce that the winner of The Sir Wilfred Fish Research Prize 2020 is Cher Farrugia.
The Clinical Fellowship Award is designed to enhance clinical training by providing support for successful applicants to participate in or attend events that have a clear educational benefit, with explicitly stated educational outcomes. With a maximum award of up to £4,000, the 2020 prize has been awarded to three worthy entries from:
- Imogen Midwood
- Alex Pollard
- Anjana Sagar
The Systematic Review Prize, instituted in 2018, is awarded annually by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, with the object of encouraging researchers in the early stages of their career. The Prize takes the form of a cash award of £1000.
The 2020 judges shortlisted the applications to the following seven entries:
- Chloe Harrington - "The professional management of periimplantitis: a systematic review of randomised controlled
trials" - Niamh Kelly - "Periodontal health and the frequency of COPD exacerbations: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
- Chaitanya Joshi - "Association between serum antibody response against the key periodontal bacteria
and increased risk of myocardial infarction: systematic review and meta analysis" - Niamh Coffey -"Periodontal and Oral Health Status of People with Cystic Fibrosis: a Systematic Review"
- Shailly Luthra - "Invasive dental treatment and acute vascular events: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
- Kunaal Dhingra - "Flapless non-surgical periodontal therapy with enamel matrix derivative: a systematic review"
- Jamini Mehta - "Study design, primary outcome and reproducibility in randomized controlled trials in periodontology. A methodological systematic review"
The BSP is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2020 Systematic Review Prize is Niamh Kelly.
The Frank Ashley Undergraduate Prize is designed to encourage dental and hygiene therapy undergraduates at UK Dental Schools to undertake a project that has a clear educational benefit in periodontology. The 2020 award and £500 prize has been awarded to:
Sumaiya Yonis
The Audit Award prize, of up to £500 per project, has been awarded to the following applicants in 2020:
- Ahmed Elmatary & Matin Ali Madadian - "Record Keeping Re-audit for New Patients Assessed on Periodontal Consultant Clinic"
- Shaun Hodge -
- Varkha Rattu - "Explaining and investigating periodontitis as a risk factor of diabetes within the diabetes department at a district general hospital"
The BSP hold an annual poster prize competition with two categories: Research and Clinical Case Report.
The Prizes each take the form of a cash award of £500.
The poster must demonstrate either:
- Original scientific research which has an application to periodontology. A systematic review cannot be submitted; or
- Details of a clinical case which may have multi-disciplinary content but with the main theme being the periodontal management.
Work must be unpublished (with the exception of Conference abstracts).
Research Poster
This year we had three entrants for this category:
The judges are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2020 Research Poster is Dr Mary Naa Barkor Ayettey-Adamafio.
Clinical Case Report Poster
This year we had four entrants for this category:
The judges are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2020 Clinical Case Report Poster is Dr Mitul Shah.