To reflect our commitment to progression and innovation, the BSP awards annual prizes for research into periodontology and implant dentistry both for undergraduates, postgraduate and qualified dentists, hygienists and therapists.
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The Sir Wilfred Fish Research Prize, instituted in 1970, is awarded annually by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, with the object of encouraging researchers in the early stages of their career. The Prize takes the form of a cash award of £1000 together with a certificate (the prize may be split if there is more than one winner).
Applicants will normally be enrolled on, and currently undertaking, a periodontal/restorative postgraduate degree course or training programme; or have completed their programme within 12 months of the application deadline.
They must present original basic laboratory and/ or clinical research which has an application to periodontology or related aspects of implant dentistry and be unpublished (with the exception of conference abstracts). Joint authorship is not permitted. An abstract needs to be submitted by the nominated deadline and will be assessed for excellence and suitability, prior to eligibility for the presentation.
The Research Prize is open to members and non-members of the Society and to international competition.
If asked to make a presentation for the prize at a Conference, the registration fee will be waived. Competition entrants need to attend the whole Conference and the winner will be presented with their certificate at the Conference. The winner may be asked to repeat their presentation to the Conference delegates.
The Prize will be awarded for a presentation (15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions) to be delivered at the BSP Conference. The presentations will be assessed by adjudicators appointed by the BSP Council and will be judged on research merit and the quality of the presentation. The presentation must contain details of which components of the research the applicant has undertaken personally and must fully explain the contributions to the research of any other individuals. The successful applicant will be asked to give the presentation again to the Conference delegates.
Deadlines for 2025 presentation:
10th October 2025 - the applicant should notify their intention to apply to the BSP Honorary Secretary including full contact details (name, address, email address and brief career history to determine eligibility) and the title of their presentation.
27th October 2025 - the applicant should submit a 500 word abstract with an additional lay abstract (max 200 words) electronically to the BSP Honorary Secretary.
The British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry reserves the right to withhold the award of the Prize at the discretion of the adjudicators. The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the BSP. Prize winners are prohibited from applying in subsequent years.
See the foot of the page for details of how to contact the Honorary Secretary.
The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
The Clinical Fellowship Award is designed to enhance clinical training by providing support for successful applicants to participate in or attend events that have a clear educational benefit, with explicitly stated educational outcomes. The award replaces the Marsh Midda and George Cross Fellowship Awards.
The award may be used for:
- travel to centres of excellence (as recognised by the BSP) for, for example, experience or training for the development of enhanced skills,
- to participate in a course or conference with a definite application in periodontology that has clear educational benefits for the successful recipient,
- any other purpose that has clear educational outcomes, at the discretion of the Society.
The focus of any application must be based on the educational benefits that will be accrued if the award is received, and all applications must contain a clear focus in periodontology or related aspects of implant dentistry. Applications for funding to support events that have already taken place will not be considered.
The awards may not be used for:
- purchase of items of clinical equipment or other equipment necessary for completion of specialist training, e.g. clinical cameras, surgical equipment, loupes, textbooks;
- day-to-day living costs while completing specialist training (whether self-funded or not);
- the costs of undertaking specialist training itself (i.e. tuition fees to undertake specialist training cannot be covered by this award). However, fees for courses that are additional to the specialist training may be applied for, providing there is a clear educational benefit with a focus in periodontology, as outlined above.
All applicants must be BSP members. Eligibility criteria include:
- Junior hospital staff (e.g. DCTs, Specialty Registrar grade, ACL/ACF with or without honorary academic contracts). Applicants will normally have been clinically qualified for less than 10 years at the time of application, unless there is a valid reason why the length of time from graduation is more than 10 years.
- Junior academic staff (e.g. clinical fellows, lecturers etc, with or without NHS contract). Applicants will normally have been clinically qualified for less than 10 years at the time of application, unless there is a valid reason why the length of time from graduation is more than 10 years.
- Self-funding periodontology trainees (i.e. postgraduates undertaking periodontal specialist training). Applicants must normally be undergoing recognised postgraduate training leading to a specialist qualification in periodontology at a UK training institute recognised by the GDC.
The maximum amount of any one award is £4,000. All receipts need to be sent to the Honorary Secretary before monies are awarded. More than one award may be made each year, with all applications judged competitively. The Society reserves the right not to make any awards in a given year. The successful applicant(s) will be announced at the Society's Annual General Meeting (though applicants will be notified of the outcome well before this). The recipient(s) will need to provide receipts to claim the support that they have been awarded.
Documents that must be submitted as part of the application include:
- full details of the proposed use of the funds (max 3 pages). The emphasis should be on the educational benefits which will be achieved, and these should go above and beyond the educational benefits of the individual's current training programme. There must be a clear application to periodontology.
- short CV (max 2 pages) including full contact details
- scanned signed letter of support from the Head of Department of the relevant institution(s), including both the home and host institutions if travel to a centre of excellence is proposed.
Deadline: 1 January in the year of application.
Successful applicants must submit a brief written report (max 2 pages) within 6 months of completion of the event and may be asked to provide a brief communication to a meeting of the Society, and also for publication in the Society newsletter. If asked to make a presentation at a Conference the registration fee will be waived.
Successful Fellowship applicants are prohibited from applying in subsequent years.
All documents should be submitted by email to the Honorary Secretary of the BSP. Applicants should initially submit an email to the Honorary Secretary via the BSP website stating their intent to apply, following which they will be supplied with the correct email address to send their full application to. See the foot of the page for details of how to contact the Honorary Secretary.
The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
The BSP Research Grant is designed to support postgraduate research development and training with a value up to £5,000. The primary purpose is to enable the successful applicant(s) to undertake research projects with a clear application in periodontology, achievement and maintenance of peri-implant health, or management of peri-implant disease. Research Grants are available by competitive application.
Applicants must be members of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry who will normally be enrolled on, and currently undertaking, a periodontal/restorative postgraduate degree course or training programme; or have completed their programme within 12 months of the application deadline. Documents that must be submitted as part of the application include:
- research protocol (max 6 pages including references) that contains full details of the proposed use of the funds (including, but not limited to, background, research methods, analyses, detailed costings, plans for dissemination of data, relevance to periodontology). Any other sources of funding must also be acknowledged in the application.
- short CV (max 2 pages) including full contact details.
- scanned signed letter of support from the Head of Department of the relevant institution(s) where the research will be undertaken.
- scanned signed letter from the Contracts/Finance department of the host institution confirming the funding requested and the payee details of the host institution if the funding is awarded.
Deadline: 1 January
The maximum amount of any one award is £5,000, and the monies will be made payable to the host institution in advance of the research commencing. Funding will only be provided on receipt of confirmation of regulatory clearance, such as ethics approval, where appropriate. The project must commence within 12 months of the grant being awarded.
The Society reserves the right not to make any awards in a given year. The successful applicant will be announced at the Society's Annual General Meeting (though applicants will be notified of the outcome well before this).
Successful applicants must submit a brief written report (max 2 pages) within 6 months of completion of the research. If asked to make a presentation at a Conference, the registration fee will be waived.
The Society must be acknowledged in any publications, presentations or reports arising from the funded work.
Successful applicants are prohibited from applying in subsequent years. The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
All documents should be submitted electronically to the Honorary Secretary of the BSP. Applicants should initially submit an email to the Honorary Secretary via the BSP website stating their intent to apply, following which they will be supplied with the correct email address to send their full application to.
See the foot of the page for details of how to contact the Honorary Secretary.
The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
The Systematic Review Prize, instituted in 2018, is awarded annually by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, with the object of encouraging researchers in the early stages of their career. The Prize takes the form of a cash award of £1000.00 together with a certificate (the prize may be split if there is more than one winner).
Eligibility: Applicants will normally be enrolled on, and currently undertaking, a periodontal/restorative postgraduate degree course or training programme; or have completed their programme within 12 months of the application deadline.
They must present a systematic review which has an application to periodontology and implant dentistry and be unpublished (with the exception of conference abstracts). The presenter must be the first author of the review. The systematic review should follow the PRISMA guideline/extension appropriate to its research question ( The review protocol will also need to have been registered a priori (i.e., prior to commencing the review itself) on a publicly accessible database and we recommend PROSPERO ( systematic review presentation is in written poster format, details provided on submission of interest. In addition, the full systematic review must be submitted to the judging panel prior to the nominated deadline accompanied by the PRISMA checklist and evidence of database registration. The winner may be asked to give a short presentation to the Conference delegates, in which case the registration fee will be waived.
The presentations will be assessed by adjudicators appointed by the BSP Council and will be judged on research merit and the quality of the presentation prior to the Conference, the winner being announced at the Conference. The presentation must contain details of which components of the research the applicant has undertaken personally and must fully explain the contributions to the research of any other individuals.
The Systematic Review Prize is open to members and non-members of the Society and to international competition.
Deadlines for 2025 presentation:
10th October 2025 - the applicant should notify their intention to apply to the BSP Honorary Secretary including full contact details (name, address, email address and brief career history to determine eligibility) and the title of their presentation.
27th October 2025 - the applicant should submit their systematic review paper, together with an abstract (max 200 words) electronically to the BSP Honorary Secretary. You will also be invited to display your work in poster format at the upcoming BSP Conference. (AO Poster – 841mm x 1189mm, Portrait orientation)
The British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry reserves the right to withhold the award of the Prize at the discretion of the adjudicators. The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the BSP. Prize winners are prohibited from applying in subsequent years.,
See the foot of the page for details of how to contact the Honorary Secretary.
The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
Two prizes of £500 each are offered by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry to encourage dental and hygiene therapy undergraduates at UK Dental Schools to undertake a project that has a clear educational benefit in periodontology or related aspects of implant dentistry.
The project may take several forms:
- it may be an elective with a clear educational outcome relevant to periodontology
- it may be a literature review of an area of periodontology of interest to the applicant
- it may be a small research project
In all cases, there must be a clear focus in periodontology and clearly stated educational aims.
Documents that must be submitted as part of the application include:
- full details of the proposed use of the funds (max 4 pages), in which the emphasis should be on the educational benefits that will be achieved, and there must be a clear application to periodontology
- short CV (max 2 pages) including full contact details
- scanned signed letter of support from a member of academic staff at the applicant's dental school supporting the application.
If the application is to support an elective, the award may be used for covering the costs of travel.
The maximum amount of any one award is up to £500. The award will normally be split so that up to £250 is awarded prior to the project/elective, and up to £250 is awarded on receipt of a report from the successful applicant after the project/elective has been completed. For this purpose, a brief written report (max 4 pages) must be submitted within 3 months of completing the project. In the case of literature reviews, the full prize may be awarded in one go.
The successful applicant(s) will be announced at the Society's Annual General Meeting. A certificate will be presented to the successful applicant at one of the Society's Conferences. Appropriate travel expenses to attend the meeting will be met by the Society on submission of receipts. Successful applicants will be awarded student membership of the British Society of Periodontology for the remainder of their undergraduate career.
Deadline: 1 January
The Society reserves the right not to make any awards in a given year. The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
All documents should be submitted by email to the Honorary Secretary of the BSP. Applicants should initially submit an email to the Honorary Secretary via the BSP website stating their intent to apply, following which they will be supplied with the correct email address to send their full application to.
See the foot of the page for details of how to contact the Honorary Secretary.
The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
The British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry is committed to supporting audit proposals with funding of a maximum of £500 for each project. Proposals, which may be submitted at any time of year, will in the first instance be considered by a panel of referees before making recommendations to Council at its next meeting. Council normally meets in March, June, September and December. A maximum of 4 awards may be made annually from January to December.
The award is open to any member of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
Applications should contain full details of the proposed use of the funds together with a one-page CV of the lead applicant (including full contact details). All members of the project team must be clearly acknowledged.
A full protocol for the project must be submitted electronically, together with details of where the project will be carried out, duration of the project, how the project specifically benefits the practice of periodontology, as well as details on how the data and outcomes are to be disseminated. Full justification for the funding requested must be provided.
The proposal should also include details of:
- The structure of the audit cycle;
- How the audit is designed to produce information to inform delivery of best periodontal care;
- How the service or intervention will be measured against a predetermined standard;
- The details of any treatment, intervention or service involved;
- Questionnaires or other evaluation tools.
Applicants should acknowledge in their application any other sources of funding. Successful applicants will be expected to acknowledge the support of the Society in any subsequent publications or reports. Funding will only be provided on receipt of proof of any regulatory clearance, where appropriate.
Successful applicants must submit a report within 6 months of completion of the project and may be asked to present a brief communication to a meeting of the Society, also for publication within the Society newsletter. If invited to make a presentation at a Society Conference, the registration fee will be waived. Successful applicants are prohibited from applying again for 5 years. The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the BSP.
All documents must be submitted electronically, by email, to the Honorary Secretary of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Applicants should initially submit an email to the Honorary Secretary via the BSP website stating their intent to apply, following which they will be supplied with the correct email address to send their full application to.
See the foot of the page for details of how to contact the Honorary Secretary.
Year commencing 1 January for this prize.
The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
We hold a poster prize competition with two categories: Research and Clinical Case Report.
The Prizes are open to members of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. All entrants will be expected to register for the Conference. The Prizes each take the form of a cash award of £500 together with a certificate. In the event of the award for either a research or clinical case report being awarded to joint winners, the prize money will be equally shared. Full details are below and on the website.
Eligibility: applicants will normally have been clinically qualified for less than 10 years at the time of application, unless there is a valid reason why the length of time from graduation is more than 10 years. Application for the award is on an individual basis and joint applications will not be accepted. The name of the lead clinician/researcher can be included in the submission.
The poster must demonstrate either:
- Original scientific research which has an application to periodontology or related aspects of implant dentistry. A systematic review or audit project cannot be submitted; or
- Details of a clinical case which may have multi-disciplinary content but with the main theme being the periodontal and/or peri-implant management.
Work must be unpublished (with the exception of Conference abstracts).
The posters will be assessed by a team of judges appointed by the BSP Council and will be judged on content and quality of the poster. The poster must contain details of which components of the research or periodontal care the applicant has undertaken personally and must fully explain the contributions of any other individuals.
The winner(s) will be awarded their certificate(s) at the Conference.
10th October 2025 - the applicant should notify their intention to apply, with full contact details (including name, address, email address and brief career history to determine eligibility), the title of their poster and abstract (max 200 words).
27th October 2025 - the applicant should submit their poster electronically to the BSP Honorary Secretary. In addition, please bring a poster to the upcoming BSP Conference for display. (AO Poster – 841mm x 1189mm, Portrait orientation)
The British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry reserves the right to withhold the award of either Prize at the discretion of the judges. The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the BSP.
See the foot of the page for details of how to contact the Honorary Secretary.
The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year awarded by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
Two prizes of £250 each and one-year’s free membership are offered by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry to encourage early career primary care dentists, dental hygienists and dental therapists to showcase the high standards of clinical periodontal care and reflective practice from the start of their clinical career. Up to two prizes are awarded, one for dentists and one for hygienists/therapists.
1. Early Career Dentist Primary Care Case Report Award
- GDC registered dentist.
- Clinically qualified as a dentist for less than 3 years at the application deadline (E.g. Foundation dentist, Dental Core Trainee 1/2, General Dental Practitioner).
- The award is not open to dentists who are on, or have undertaken, a specialist training pathway or an MClinDent/DClinDent/MSc qualification.
2. Early Career Dental Hygienist/Therapist Primary Care Case Report Award
- GDC registered hygienist or therapist.
- Clinically qualified as a hygienist or therapist for less than 5 years at the application deadline.
The award is open to members and non-members. The Society reserves the right not to make any awards in a given year. The applicant cannot apply for more than one prize in any given year by the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
The case reports will be judged by adjudicators appointed by the BSP council. Prize winners are prohibited from applying to this award in subsequent years.
Case Report Guidance
The case report should be patient centred and focus on the periodontal care you have provided. Case reports can include non-surgical and surgical intervention, although a surgical case does not necessarily suggest a higher quality case report. Good quality non-surgical therapy, appropriately documented, is strongly encouraged for both award categories.
- The report should include information about the clinical condition before treatment, the treatment undertaken, as well as the outcome of treatment and a brief reflection. Photographs and radiographs will help illustrate the case.
- Treatment protocols should follow UK best practice guidelines where possible and justify the rationale for any treatment where this wasn’t the case.
- We encourage you to provide the patient perspective on the treatment provided.
- Case reports should not exceed 1500 words and should reference any relevant key periodontal literature.
- It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that they have obtained appropriate signed consent from the patient. Please do not include specific identifiable patient details in the case report.
The prize will include a certificate, a cash award of £250 and one-year’s subscription as a member of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
Deadline: 12th September 2025
Contact the BSP Honorary Secretary
Applicants should indicate their interest by emailing the Honorary Secretary, Professor Luigi Nibali: