Patient FAQs & Videos - Gum Disease
We regularly receives enquiries from the public about gum disease. We can't give specific advice to individual patients, but hope that our answers to the frequently asked questions below are helpful.
You may also find it helpful to watch the informative "Ask the Expert" videos we created with members of our Patient Forum. The patients had the opportunity to chat to our dental experts, discuss queries they had about gum disease and discover how best to look after their gum health.
- BSP Patient Forum
- Educational Quiz
- Educational Videos
- Patient FAQs - Salivary Diagnostic Testing
- Patient FAQs - Dental Implants
- 4 Steps to improving your gum health
- Find a BSP Member
- Gum Disease and Diabetes
- Gum disease and Cardiovascular (heart) disease
- Gum Health Day 2025
- Gum Health Day 2024
- Gum Health Day 2023
- Gum Health Day 2022
- Gum Health Day 2021
- Gum Health Awareness Day 2020
- Gum Health Awareness Day 2018
- Gum Health Resources for Patients
- How’s Your Smile Campaign 2016
- Infographics
- Oral Health and Pregnancy
- Tooth Decay and Gum Disease
Periodontal Disease & Treatment
Periodontal disease affects the gums, bone and other supporting tissues of the teeth. Although most individuals suffer gum inflammation from time to time, around 10% of the population appear to suffer from the more severe forms of the disease which cause loss of supporting bone. This group appears to be at greatest risk of losing teeth through periodontal disease. It is caused by the bacteria which regularly collect on the teeth.
Around 10% of the population is susceptible. Our knowledge is improving all the time of why this is, although 3 major factors are thought to be responsible. Family history, stress and smoking are all important risk factors. Stopping smoking is an important part of reducing the risk of developing the disease. Certain general diseases such as diabetes may also make an indivdual more susceptible.
The signs and symptoms of periodontal disease vary significantly but may include gums that bleed when brushing, together with signs of more advanced disease such as movement or drifting of the teeth. However, it is possible to have the disease and not be aware of these signs. It is essential to see your dentist regularly so that special assessment techniques, sometimes including x-rays, can be carried out as part of your routine dental examinations.
Regular examinations by your dentist will ensure that the right diagnosis is made. Your dentist will be able to advise you about any necessary treatment. This will often include specific oral hygiene methods to help you control the bacteria that collect on your teeth. There may also be a need to carry out some professional cleaning of your teeth. Most cases of periodontal disease can be successfully treated by your dentist using methods such as these. Occasionally, more complex treatments are required and your dentist will advise you accordingly.
Ask your dentist. If you don’t have one, you can find names and telephone numbers of local dentists in telephone directories, although it is often good to ask friends for a recommendation.
The normal means of finding a specialist periodontist is by referral from a general dental practitioner. However, you can search for a specialist using the General Dental Council's website.
In 2016, the BSP headed up a Gum Disease Awareness Campaign - see more on this page.
EFP Prevention Workshop – Dentists got together to discuss and evaluate the effects of gum disease. Downloads from this workshop can be found on our publications page here. There is a special document prepared for patients - which you can find here.
The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) have produced a document: Gum Health Facts and Figures - which you can find here.
"Ask the Expert" - Patient Forum videos
Watch our "Ask the Expert" videos, created with members of our Patient Forum, and discover the answers to questions you may have about gum health.
Discussion around the links between periodontitis and general health and wellbeing.
Discussion around what is gum disease? What are the risk factors for developing periodontitis? How is gum disease managed?
Discussion around self-management strategies for managing gum disease.
Discussion around how professionals manage gum disease.
Video disclaimer: Please note that the video content is the result of informal discussions between the patient and dental expert and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Please visit your dentist, dental hygienist or dental therapist regularly and discuss with them any concerns you may have about your oral health.