Perio & Family doctors campaign launch

Earlier this month. the EFP launched their Perio & Family Doctors campaign, which is the result of the consensus report, following the Focused Workshop held in Madrid in 2022 in collaboration with Wonka Europe, sponsored by Curasept.

The Perio & Family Doctors outreach campaign was developed by the EFP to promote awareness of the advantages of collaboration between oral and non-oral health professionals for better prevention and treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular issues and chronic respiratory diseases.

The materials primarily comprise a range of infographics designed for family doctors and the oral health team and can be viewed/downloaded below:

Family Doctors

  1. Family doctors: look closely at your patients' mouths
  2. Periodontitis general facts
  3. Patients with perio and systemic diseases share common risk factors
  4. Associations between periodontitis and systemic diseases
  5. Look at your patients' oral health
  6. Signs of gum disease
  7. Family doctors and oral health providers working together can save teeth and lives
  8. Perio & Family Doctors

Oral Heath Team

  1. Oral health providers: pay attention to patients' general health
  2. Periodontitis general facts
  3. Patients with perio and systemic diseases share common risk factors
  4. Associations between periodontitis and systemic diseases 
  5. Assess patient's health conditions and presence of risk factors
  6. Inform patients with systemic diseases
  7. Oral health providers and family doctors working together can save teeth and lives
  8. Perio & Family Doctors