Online research study exploring dental professionals’ experiences of implementing the BSP UK Version of the S3 Treatment Guidelines for Periodontitis

Alison Edisbury, a dental therapist and a PhD student at the University of Manchester, is conducting a research study exploring dental professionals’ experiences of implementing the BSP UK Version of the S3 Treatment Guidelines for Periodontitis, and oral health behaviour change interventions in UK general dental practice.

She is hoping to recruit dentists, dental hygienists and dental therapists who are working in general dental practice in the United Kingdom to take part in this study which is split into three parts:

  1. An online survey which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete
  2. Invitation to a sub-group from the initial survey to take part in a focus group on issues with implementation of the S3 Level Guidelines
  3. Invitation to a sub-group from the initial survey to take part in one-to-one interviews on oral health behaviour change.

We would encourage you to support this research and take a few minutes to complete the survey below. The research will form part of Alison's PhD thesis and may also be published in an academic journal.

Online survey link:  

(The link directs to the Participant Information Sheet and Consent form. Upon completion of the consent form, a link to the survey will be emailed to eligible participants within 24 hours. Please contact Alison directly if you have any queries:

The deadline to complete the survey is 31st December 2023.