Looking After Your Career – confidential coaching for the primary care workforce

The NHSEI Stakeholder Engagement team have sent us information about a new initiative they are launching:

Looking After Your Career – coaching

Following the success of the Looking After You Too and the Looking After Your Team national primary care coaching services, the NHSEI Stakeholder Engagement team is pleased to announce a new offer: Looking After Your Career.

Looking After Your Career provides an easy to access, individually tailored career coaching service for the frontline primary care workforce. It focuses on proactively supporting people with their career choices by providing opportunities to process experiences, develop career plans and develop strategies for self-management.

The service is also intended to support the primary care workforce in increasing awareness and connection to the wider suite of resources and support offers available to them.


The overall aim of this new national offer will be to support career conversations and to facilitate a connection and awareness of other national workforce offers in place, supporting retention and delivery of the 6K and 26k primary care workforce manifesto commitments.


With the launch of this new service, we have refreshed our branding to pull all three coaching offers under the umbrella of Looking After You (#LookingAfterYou). We have a new poster and landing page to signpost to all three offers. We are currently finalising a full communications toolkit which we will send on shortly.

How can you support?

We would be grateful if you can support us by cascading this new offer through your channels. Additionally, we would appreciate if you can confirm to us any cascade plan and communication routes for reporting purposes. Please also continue promoting our other coaching offers as we know wellbeing and team resilience are still top priorities.

Engagement opportunities

If there are any events or engagement sessions that you think we could be part of to promote these offers wider, please do let us know.