Latest updates from the GDC

A view from the Chair: restoration and registration places 

Rejoining the register has now been streamlined for those who are absent from the registers for a short time while continuing to meet CPD requirements, explains our Chair in his latest update. Lord Harris also highlights the threefold increase in places for Part 1 of the Overseas Registration Exam, our attendance at dentistry shows, and plans to speak with representatives from Local Dental Committees at their conference later this week. 

Have your say before our consultations close  

If you haven’t already done so, you have until midnight on Thursday 8 June to respond to our consultation on the guidance on reporting matters to the GDC.

Also, our consultation on the guidance on indemnity and insurance closes on 20 June.

Our proposals will affect all dental professionals and we encourage and welcome stakeholder views and feedback.   

Latest research on the public’s views and experiences of dentistry   

Our recently published research report shows that in 2022 there was a significant increase in the number of people seeing a dental professional compared with our previous round of research in 2021, with most respondents saying they were satisfied with the care they received. However, some people continued to experience issues in accessing dental care, particularly on the NHS. The findings also show that the proportion of people accessing private dental services has risen since our last study.  

You can read the key findings or download the full report from our research page

Sharing our findings and next steps on reporting the cause of death of registrants who have died while fitness to practise concerns are investigated 

We have shared the results of our review of evidence, and how it is helping to develop our thinking and our plans. Reporting cause of death is a complex and sensitive area, and we want to be sure that we are being led by the evidence and drawing on expert advice on interpreting and presenting the data.

Responsible reporting matters. If you’re affected by these issues or discussions and in need of some support, please reach out.  

You can call the Samaritans, free, at any time on 116 123. The Samaritans can also be contacted by email and provide further information online.  

Dentists may want to contact the Dentists’ Health Support Trust.  

Find out more about Wellbeing support for the dental team online.  

2022 Annual Report and Accounts and statistical reports published   

We have now published our Annual Report and Accounts, and Registration and Fitness to Practise statistical reports for 2022.

By the end of 2022 there were 44,125 dentists and 71,326 dental care professionals on our registers, an increase of 0.6% compared to 2021. We added 7,384 dental professionals to the registers last year, and 46% of dentists who joined, qualified outside the UK.  

We saw a reduction in the number of fitness to practise concerns we received in 2022, down by 7% to 1,264. Case examiners referred 156 cases to a practice committee at the Dental Professionals Hearings Service.  

You can review the highlights and download the report from the Annual Report and Accounts on our summary page, which includes a message from the Chair and Chief Executive. 

Transfer of primary care complaints functions to ICBs in England

NHS England will transfer current primary care complaints functions (including dentistry) to integrated care boards (ICBs) next month. Members of the public and patients will continue to be asked to raise any issue with their primary care provider in the first instance.

From 1 July 2023, anyone who wants to make a complaint with NHS England will be asked to contact their ICB. Complaints received before 1 July will continue to be handled by NHS England, anything received on or after that date will be processed by the relevant ICB.  

Find out more on providing feedback or making complaints about NHS services.