Dental Update: Periodontology Special Issue

As you know, we have teamed up again with Dental Update and collaborated on a special periodontology issue, which is being published in May. Members of the Early Career Group have been working hard writing the articles, with support from Council, and we are really looking forward to seeing them in print. 

As an exciting twist, Dental Update allowed us to supply the cover image for the perio edition and we announced in March that BSP member Dr Fergus Machin had won the photo competition. His winning image shows a periodontally-compromised tooth that was extracted after being assigned a hopeless prognosis. He hopes it demonstrates how periodontal disease progresses around teeth, how the biofilm forms on the roots, and some of the anatomical challenges involved in treating periodontally involved molar teeth.

Dental Update have also kindly agreed to offer a single-issue sale of the May journal at a discounted price to BSP Members. This is a fantastic offer and the low charge will simply cover Dental Update's costs in relation to the extra print, packaging and fulfilment. A dedicated page has been set up on their subscriptions site which you can access via this link:

We are grateful to Dental Update for inviting us to collaborate on this issue. We are sure that their subscribers, and our members who take advantage of their exclusive discounted subscription offer, will be thrilled with the content and we hope that it also helps to highlight the incredible work being undertaken by the BSP.