A note from our President…
This month, the BSP team has been busy putting the final touches to this year’s Periodical magazine. The Society has achieved so much over the last twelve months that we have again needed to extend to a 24- page publication.
I would like to commend our new Honorary Editor, Dr Alex Pollard, for pulling together the publication in such a short time, since his appointment to the role in June. I understand that several of our members responded brilliantly to the request to contribute articles and that they make a fantastic read!
The team has also been engrossed in finalising arrangements in the run up to the much-awaited BSP Conference. This year we have made some small changes to make our Conference more environmentally sustainable. Things you may notice include us using recyclable BSP lanyards and delegate name cards, ethically sourced tote bags, which can be re-used for shopping after the event, and a reduction in printed materials.
Professor Turner has asked me to pass on her thanks to all of the prize applicants this year. The Sir Wilfred Fish Research Prize, Systematic Review Prize and Poster Prizes will all be judged at the Conference. The entries can be viewed on the website in advance; however, we would encourage you to speak to the authors about their work at the Conference: https://www.bsperio.org.uk/professionals/awards-prizes-2021
I hope that you have a good month ahead and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Conference.