A note from our President…

As we approach the end of summer, I hope that you have all enjoyed some quality time with friends and family and managed to take a well-deserved break from the pressures of work. I have enjoyed spending some downtime with my family and had great fun catching up with friends in Newcastle. I was also fortunate in being invited to the International Academy of Periodontology Research Conference, hosted at Harvard Dental School, Boston USA, where the BSP was very well represented with outstanding presentations on the latest research from Professor Shauna Culshaw and Professor Luigi Nibali.

I am now back to work, feeling refreshed and ready to start the term at Dundee Dental School, where we will be welcoming our new cohort of students. I wish you all well as you return to work.

The BSP Team have been working incredibly hard on several initiatives over the summer break and I am incredibly grateful to them all for their selfless dedication to the Society.

The series of webinars relating to the S3 Peri-Implant Guideline document have proved extremely popular with a record number of registrations. We have made registering for the webinars free to the wider dental community as our aim is to support best practice in UK dentistry. Thank you to my fellow presenters and a special thanks to Dr Zehra Yonel for hosting the series and skilfully fielding your questions.

I am looking forward to listening to the student webinar next week, “E-cigarette vaping: a risk for periodontal health?”  I know that the undergraduate students at Kings College, London, have been working extremely hard on this initiative to ensure they present a professional and informative webinar. The ‘By Students For Students’ webinars were originally intended to encourage the educational practice of peer learning in which students would interact with each other to develop their understanding and knowledge of periodontology. However, each webinar has so far has been enjoyed by all categories of our membership and I am confident that we will all learn something from next week’s presentation. I would strongly encourage you to register for this event.


Work is well underway on this year’s edition of the Periodical magazine. This will include a special feature about the history of BSP as we celebrate our 75th Anniversary. We have compiled a collection of articles from members sharing their favourite memories, highlighting the great work of the Society, its impact within dentistry and how it has united people who share a passion for periodontology.

The BSP Conference in Newcastle is fast approaching and my excitement for this event is building. It is wonderful to hear from Paula and Jo that tickets have been selling fast and I am very grateful to everyone who has booked to attend. I look forward to speaking with you all during the break times and at the Conference Dinner. It will be wonderful to have the presentations and social event in one place – a fantastic opportunity for us all to catch up with friends and colleagues. Please register if you have not done so already.


I hope you all have a great month ahead.