A note from our President…

September has been yet another hectic month. The BSP Team have been working extremely hard behind the scenes making the final arrangements for the Conference. It is hard to believe it is only just over a week away now. I am excited to welcome you all to Birmingham and am grateful that so many of our members are supporting this event. 

Conferences are a great opportunity to renew connections and enjoy learning together. We can all benefit from learning new things at any stage of our career and I am confident that you will all take away valuable skills and knowledge to implement back in practice. I am certainly looking forward to listening to the wonderful lectures we have planned and exploring the Trade Exhibition. It will also be a great opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues during the break times and at the Conference Dinner.

There is currently a lot of excitement and discussions in the BSP office about Peaky Blinders costumes for the Conference Dinner. If you're still not sure how to dress like a Peaky Blinder, there are some useful tips in this article:


Even if you choose not to dress up and opt instead for black tie, it will still be a great night - by order of the BSP!

Finally, you will see that we have added more educational webinars to the Events page of our website. As a member, you can register for webinars free of charge then listen live on the night or up to 6 months after with CPD. We have listed the events and booking links below, so please make sure you register.

Have a great month ahead and I look forward to catching up with many of you in Birmingham.