A note from our President…

Despite being an incredibly busy month, the May Bank Holidays have been a wonderful treat and given us extra time to spend with family and friends.

Gum Health Day was celebrated on 12 May and I would like to thank BSP Undergraduate Representatives, students and staff at Dental and Hygiene/Therapy Schools in Aberdeen, Cardiff, Liverpool, Kings/Guys Hospital London, for setting up fantastic events to promote the importance of gum health to patients and the public.

Earlier this month, I was delighted to represent the Society at The British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show in my hometown, Birmingham. It was a great opportunity to chat to members, answer perio-related questions and catch up with friends and colleagues. BSDHT President, Miranda Steeples, visited our stand to say “hello” and it was also lovely to see former Birmingham students and find out how their Dental Foundation Training year is progressing. I would like to thank Dr Rajan Nansi and Dr Devan Raindi who delivered fantastic presentations in the Specialty Interest Theatre, providing the packed-out audiences with contemporary periodontal education.

As a Society, we are keen promoters of research and reflect our commitment to progression and innovation by awarding several prizes and grants each year. I wish to congratulate the winners mentioned in the newsletter below for their wonderful achievements. It is vitally important that we continue to support research. With this in mind, I encourage our dentist and specialist periodontist members to complete the brief survey below for the Eastman Dental Hospital periodontology department.

I am passionate about supporting Early Career Researchers in developing their careers and delivering future research to benefit patients. For this reason, I have planned a new collaboration between BSP and the British Society for Oral and Dental Research (BSODR) at the start of this year’s Conference. At only £35 for the Wednesday morning session, I very much hope that you will support this event. https://www.bsperio.org.uk/events/bsp-event-calendar/bsp-conference-2023

Finally, please don’t forget that the Early Bird registration rate ends on 31st July for the “TEAMS - Working together for success” BSP Conference (11-13 October 2023) in Birmingham. Tickets for the Peaky Blinders themed Conference Dinner are now limited, so please book your place quickly and join us for what promises to be a fantastic night!