A note from our President…

I hope that, like me, you are enjoying the lighter evenings now that Spring has arrived. It is lovely to see the landscape come to life as we enjoy warmer weather, with the promise of Summer to come.

April has certainly been a busy time and you will find this month’s newsletter packed with news and information. I hope that you take advantage of being a BSP member and register for our upcoming webinars and events. Although webinars are free of charge, members must register in advance, to enjoy the opportunity to listen live on the night or up to 6 months after, with CPD.

In addition to planning our educational programme and events, the BSP Team is currently preparing to celebrate Gum Health Day (GHD) on 12th May. The slogan for this year’s campaign is “Healthy gums look good on you! Protect them!” 

We have a dedicated patient page on our website for Gum Health Day, which contains downloadable resources which you can print for displays in your practice: https://www.bsperio.org.uk/patients/gum-health-day-2023-1

There is also a range of resources that you can adapt, to add your practice logo, by simply following the easy step-by-step process on the Custom Content Generator.

Please let us know how you celebrate Gum Health Day and tag the BSP into any social media posts that you share, using the following hashtags:

#GHD2023   #GumHealthDay   #ProtectYourGums   #BSP   #BSPerio   #EFPerio 

We are working with our BSP Undergraduate Representatives at Dental and Hygiene/Therapy Schools on this year’s campaign and they will be running events to raise awareness of gum health with the public. Keep an eye out on social media to hear more about their exciting plans!

I wish you all a great month ahead!