
Dr Paul King triumphs in Madrid!!

Dr Paul King triumphs in Madrid!!

03.07.2006 News

British sporting honour was upheld at Europerio 5 in Madrid, when Dr Paul King was the winner of the AstraTech Fun Run. Congratulations to Paul!!

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Closing Dates for BSP Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research Award applications approaching!!

Closing Dates for BSP Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research Award applications approaching!!

19.06.2006 News

Closing dates are fast approaching for the following Society awards: The Sir Wilfred Fish Research Prize (1st July). The George Cross Fellowship Award to further the education of members of the Society (1st July). The Frank Ashley Undergraduate Prize (30th June). Details are available under the Awards section of the website here.

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George Cross Fellowship Report available to read

George Cross Fellowship Report available to read

01.06.2006 News

The winner of the 2005 George Cross Fellowship Award, Geoffrey Sharpe spent some time in Gothenburg, Sweden at the Department of Periodontology. To see his report of this experience please go to the awards page.

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New GDC Consultation on Specialist Dental Education Board

New GDC Consultation on Specialist Dental Education Board

22.05.2006 News

The GDC has opened a new Consultation on the composition of the new Specialist Dental Education Board. The closing date is the end of May 2006. Details are available here. The Society has submitted a reply, which is available for members to view in the Forum section here.

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Specialist Level Hands-On Course - Muco-Gingival Surgery: Procedures for Root Coverage - 9th February 2007

Specialist Level Hands-On Course - Muco-Gingival Surgery: Procedures for Root Coverage - 9th February 2007

16.05.2006 News

For further information please contact:

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New UK Guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis

New UK Guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis

14.05.2006 News

The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy has published new guidelines on the use of antimicrobial prophylaxis in dentistry. These will have an impact on the provision of periodontal care in the UK and all members are advised to consult the new publication: it is hoped that they may simplify matters for many patients. The guidelines are available for download as a pdf file from here

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BSP Research Grant 2005 winner: report

BSP Research Grant 2005 winner: report

11.05.2006 News

The winners report of the 2005 BSP Research Grant by Geoffrey Sharpe is available to read from the Awards page. The project was entitled "The attititudes of general dental practitioners regarding specialist periodontal referral".

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DoH produces guidelines for the appointment of DwSis

DoH produces guidelines for the appointment of DwSis

02.05.2006 News

The DoH introduced guidelines for the appointment of DwSIs on the 13th April. This included guidelines for Periodontology. Details are available here

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Record Number of Entries for BSP Research Grant

Record Number of Entries for BSP Research Grant

03.04.2006 News

There have been a record number of high quality entries for the Society's Research Grant from across the UK. Judging will shortly commence and entrants will be informed forthwith.

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