
BSP Awards & Prizes

BSP Awards & Prizes

17.07.2019 News

Did you know... to reflect our commitment to progression and innovation, the BSP awards annual prizes for research and periodontology, both for undergraduate, postgraduate and qualified dentists, hygienists and therapists?

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EFP Classification toolkit

EFP Classification toolkit

09.07.2019 News

The EFP have launched a toolkit on their website relating to the 2017 Classification. The toolkit – available at – comprises five guidance notes and four expert presentations, with infographics and videos to be added later. Also available are the introduction and consensus reports of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions, which form the basis of the material in the toolkit.

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Communications from the Chief Dental Officer England

Communications from the Chief Dental Officer England

09.07.2019 News

We have received two communications from The Office of the Chief Dental Officer which we would like to share with our membership:

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EFP releases animation on oral health and pregnancy

EFP releases animation on oral health and pregnancy

08.07.2019 News

In November 2017, the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) launched The Oral Health & Pregnancy project. The aim of the Oral Health and Pregnancy project, a collaboration between the EFP and Oral-B, was to promote women’s oral health during pregnancy through guidelines for patients and for healthcare professionals.

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New fitness to practise learning tools

New fitness to practise learning tools

30.06.2019 News

The GDC have recently released some interesting analysis and positive helpful guidelines on the volume and nature of cases that they have had to deal with, and what can determine how things either go forwards or are dismissed at an early stage. Although of course we know that we will all strive to offer the best care that we can, you may find it informative and useful to look at these documents (which are very readable) and perhaps share with colleagues in your teams.

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BSP Undergraduate Group Meeting -14 June 2019

BSP Undergraduate Group Meeting -14 June 2019

30.06.2019 News

The first BSP undergraduate meeting took place at King's College, London on Friday 14th June 2109. It was a great opportunity for the newly appointed individuals to meet each other, meet members of BSP and talk about periodontology. The meeting was a huge success and BSP Undergraduate Representatives Hiraa Jamil and Gamze Eroglu have kindly written a detailed review of their meeting.

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A note from our President…

A note from our President…

27.06.2019 News

This month was marked by a number of events at the Palace of Westminster, and the Society’s 70th Anniversary Dinner was probably the most friendly of them all! After an afternoon of CPD on a range of diverse topics, from three excellent international speakers, there was just time to board the Jubilee Line to Westminster. We then, after traversing Security, experienced an in-depth and educational tour of the Palace, including both Chambers, Division lobbies, Westminster Hall, St Stephens Hall and various other areas. Sir Paul Beresford kindly hosted us for a sold-out Dinner, which also included an insightful update on the current political situation from Isabel Oakeshott. I wish to thank Tamsin and Paula for their hard work and support in organising the evening, in conjunction with Sir Paul and his team. Please don’t forget to complete your evaluations and feedback from this or any other preceding meetings and webinars. As we finally may just be edging towards summer, we have two upcoming webinars in quick succession, so use your wifi (or even 5G?) to watch these in the sunshine (hopefully)!

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An interview with …Dr Nick Claydon

An interview with …Dr Nick Claydon

24.06.2019 News

1. What is your position in the BSP and what does this role involve? I am the Chair of the Practitioners Section. This is a position of great privilege as I represent the interests of the largest group that makes up the membership of the BSP.

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Implementing the 2017 Classification of Periodontal Diseases

Implementing the 2017 Classification of Periodontal Diseases

24.06.2019 News

We have had an extremely positive response to the decision-making flowchart we created to help practitioners adapt to the 2017 classification. The document is free to everyone and downloadable from the Professionals – Publications page of our website: In addition, we produced a laminated version and have distributed over 49,500 copies to practitioners throughout the UK. We are grateful to the many organisations who supported us in this initiative to ensure that we adequately supported the dental profession in their diagnoses and treatment of periodontal patients.

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