BSP Undergraduate Representatives
27.03.2020 NewsWe are grateful for the recent activities undertaken by our UG Representatives to highlight the work of the BSP and the many benefits of membership.
Read MoreBSP Patient Forum
27.03.2020 NewsThe Patient Forum had a successful meeting earlier this month in London. Led by Professor Ian Needleman, the group of volunteers regularly meet to share their experiences and ideas to help shape the future of gum health in the UK.
Read MoreBSP Awards & Prizes
27.03.2020 NewsWe are delighted to announce the winners of this year's awards:
Read MoreHealthy Gums Do Matter!
27.03.2020 NewsThe Healthy Gums Do Matter toolkit has been developed by the Greater Manchester Local Dental Network (GM LDN), a group of general dental practitioners, patients, commissioners and specialists, in association with NHS England Greater Manchester dental commissioners, to help dental teams raise the standards of periodontal care management in primary care and bridge the gap between how periodontal care is currently delivered and how it should be. It distils specialist guidance on prevention and treatment into workable care pathways for NHS dental practices.
Read MoreGum Health Day 2020 - Postponed
27.03.2020 NewsGum Health Day is an EFP initiative and thanks to the support of all the national societies, it has become a major worldwide awareness campaign, celebrated in more than 45 countries. The slogan they are using for this year’s campaign is “Say NO to bleeding gums.”
Read MoreThe British Dental Conference & Dentistry Show - Postponed
27.03.2020 NewsUnfortunately, the The British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show 2020, which was due to take place at the NEC, Birmingham, from the 15-16th May, has been postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19. We are advised that the 2020 event will now take place on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th of September 2020 at the Birmingham NEC, hall 5. We look forward to supporting this event later in the year.
Read MoreResponding to COVID-19: providing treatment in uncertain times
27.03.2020 NewsPlease find below the latest statement from Stefan Czerniawski, Executive Director, Strategy, GDC, which updates and clarifies GDC guidance during the COVID-19 crisis.
Read MoreCOVID-19 Update for dental teams
25.03.2020 NewsThe Office of the Chief Dental Officer, England, has shared the following COVID-19 update with us for dental teams:
Read MoreA note from our President…
23.03.2020 NewsWe currently find ourselves in an unprecedented situation with the world battling an outbreak of COVID-19. The World Health Organization declared a global pandemic on March 11 and at the point of writing this many people have sadly been affected worldwide.
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