
BSP Conference 2021 - Important Conference Delegate Information

BSP Conference 2021 - Important Conference Delegate Information


We have a fantastic three days planned in London and have detailed some important information for delegates regarding this year’s event.

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NHS dentistry and oral health update

NHS dentistry and oral health update


Sara Hurley and Ed Waller have published a new update to the dental profession, with latest news and things of interest.

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GDC updates October 2021

GDC updates October 2021


The GDC has issued an update for October 2021, including news about Black History Month, New Council members taking up post, a HMRC notice and the healthcare whistleblowing report.

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EFP issues call to submit abstracts for EuroPerio10

EFP issues call to submit abstracts for EuroPerio10


Abstracts of research and clinical-report presentations for the research sessions at the EuroPerio10 congress in Copenhagen in June 2022 can now be submitted.

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New GDC Chair and Council member welcomed

New GDC Chair and Council member welcomed


The GDC Council has welcomed its two newest members today.

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NHS England: Next steps on supporting the recovery of NHS dentistry and contractual arrangements

NHS England: Next steps on supporting the recovery of NHS dentistry and contractual arrangements


NHS England has published a number of key announcements including next steps on supporting the recovery of NHS dentistry and contractual arrangements.

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Updated Guidelines for Periodontal Screening & Management of Children and Adolescents Under 18 years of age

Updated Guidelines for Periodontal Screening & Management of Children and Adolescents Under 18 years of age


We wish to thank Professor Valerie Clerehugh & Dr Susan Kindelan for their excellent work in updating the Guidelines for Periodontal Screening and Management of Under 18s, plus Executive Summary.

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A note from our President…

A note from our President…


Well, it has been an extremely busy month and I don’t just mean queuing for petrol!
Paula & Tamsin have been working incredibly hard behind the scenes, helping the Council Team.

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Working hard towards a more sustainable future

Working hard towards a more sustainable future


As Honorary Editor, I thought that you might be interested to know about some meetings the BSP Council recently held to discuss our commitment towards maximising the sustainability of the Society.

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