BSP & SRRDG Study Day


The Library, Royal College of Surgeons of England, 38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE

The BSP is collaborating with the SRRDG (Specialist Registrars in Restorative Dentistry Group) to provide a high quality study day in Central London at the Royal College of Surgeons, England. 

This day has a limited number of tickets and will involve interactive case discussions on cases with a primary focus on Periodontics, as well as Restorative/Implant Dentistry input. Following each case there will be a lecture covering the relevant theory.

The day will be led by three specialists across Restorative Dentistry and Periodontics and will provide valuable discussion points. The course will benefit trainees coming to the final stages of their specialist training who may be sitting exams soon, early career specialists/dentists with a special interest and early career trainees (DFTs, DCTs) looking to specialise, who would like exposure to complex treatment planning and theory.

Refreshments will be provided throughout the day,together with a light buffet lunch.

You don’t need to know anyone to book on the course - just come along as the BSP and SRRDG are friendly and inclusive Societies!

Saturday 22nd March 2025

Ticket prices:

  • BSP Member £145
  • SRRDG member £145
  • Non-member £225


Course Programme:
9:00-9:30: Registration / Welcome 
9:30-10:15: Case 1 presented by Dr James Chesterman

  • Case Discussion 
  • How Case treated 
  • Q&A    

10:15-11:00: Lecture 1 (Restorative Case/Perio) Dr James Chesterman

11:00-11:15: Refreshment Break    

11:15-12:00: Case 2 presented by Dr Peter Clarke

12:00-12:45: Lecture 2 (Peri-Implantitis/Restorative) Dr Peter Clarke

12:45-1:45: Light buffet lunch    

1:45-2:30: Case 3 presented by Dr Paul Baker 

2:30-3:15: Lecture 3 (Crown Lengthening) Dr Paul Baker

3:15-3:30: Refreshment Break 

3:30-4:15: Case 4 presented by Dr Paul Baker

4:15-5:00: Lecture 4 (Soft Tissue Grafting) Dr Paul Baker

5.00: Close    




The aim of this lecture is to provide an overview of the aspects of restorative treatment in the management of periodontal disease patients, including considerations of tooth replacement.


  1. To review the need for restorative treatment solutions for periodontal disease patients.

  2. To discuss the options to replace lost teeth in cases with periodontal disease.

  3. To consider aspects of fixed and removable prosthesis design.

  4. To appreciate the challenges of providing dental implants in treated periodontal disease patients.


  1. To understand the options and treatment planning considerations of tooth replacement in patients with a history of periodontal disease.

GDC Development Outcomes A & C.



  1. To revise the pathophysiology and classification of peri-implant diseases.

  2. To explore the impact the implant suprastructure might have on the peri-implant tissues.

  3. To appreciate the practical implications of deconstructing and modifying implant superstructures when managing implants/patients with peri-implant disease.

  4. To understand the negative side effects or outcomes of treatment and strategies to try and overcome this.

  5. Discuss the principles of treatment planning cases with peri-implant disease/ failing implants and complex superstructures.


By the end of this lecture delegates should:

  1. Understand the relationship of implant suprastructure design on peri-implant disease

  2. Have a broad understanding of the management options for dealing with complex peri-implantitis cases and the sequela of treatment.

GDC Development Outcomes: A,C & D



The aim is to consider what factors influence the outcomes of aesthetic crown lengthening.


  1. To consider the influence of the soft tissues and underlying anatomical structure on the gingival display

  2. To look at how those can be managed as part of the overall restorative plan

  3. To discuss how what factors should be considered and how they can influence the end result


  1. Ability to assess the underlying causes of excess gingival display

  2. Appreciate how they can, or can’t, be modified

  3. Understand the surgical techniques of crown lengthening

GDC Development Outcome C



To look at the reasons for soft tissue grafting around teeth, and consider how different techniques might be applied within that context.


  1. Briefly look at the aetiology of soft tissue and mucogingival defects

  2. Consider how aims of treatment will influence treatment choice

  3. Look at techniques and consider their strengths and weaknesses


  1. Ability to assess what factors might affect choice of procedure

  2. To understand how the choice of procedure may affect the outcome and end result

GDC Development Outcome C




Dr Paul Baker

Paul Baker qualified in 1992 from Kings College School of Medicine and Dentistry. In 1996 he started an MSc in periodontology at Guys Hospital. In 1998 he continued with a Master of Clinical Dentistry degree at Kings College London, which he passed with distinction.

Since 2000 he has worked in specialist practice, limited to the treatment of periodontal disease and implant surgery. He has taught at all levels within dentistry, from teaching undergraduates at Guys Hospital to running specialist-level courses on advanced surgical techniques for the British Society of Periodontology. He has published numerous articles on the management of periodontal disease but has a particular interest and reputation in the surgical management of gingival recession. He authored a chapter in the textbook Practical Periodontics (Elselvier), and several chapters in the British Dental Journal Clinicians Guides, ‘Periodontology’.

Paul has been asked to be President of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry for the year 2026.


Dr James Chesterman

James graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2011. He completed restorative specialist training in 2020 at the Leeds Dental Institute. During training he was awarded a Clinical Fellowship with the British Society of Periodontology to complete further elective training at the University of Bern. In 2020, James was appointed as NHS consultant post in the Leeds Dental Institute. He is the lead clinician in periodontology and areas of interest include periodontal surgery, dental implant provision, rehabilitation for patients with toothwear and dental trauma. James also works within private practice focussing on dental implant provision and periodontal referrals. He continues to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. He has published numerous articles and presented at national meetings. 


Peter Clarke

Peter graduated in 2011 from Liverpool University with honours and was additionally awarded the ‘University prize in Dental Surgery’ and the ‘Walter Thomas’ prize in Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery. After graduating he undertook a variety of dental core training posts in Newcastle and Liverpool before starting his Restorative training post in Manchester in 2015. During this time, he passed the MFDS examination and was awarded the TC White medal, as well as later passing the Membership in Periodontics and Intercollegiate Speciality Fellowship Examination in Restorative Dentistry (ISFE).

Currently, he works at the University of Manchester Dental Hospital as a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, where he holds a split NHS / University post. For the NHS, most of his time is spent providing periodontal services and for the University he is heavily involved in teaching on the 3-year Periodontology MSc programme. Alongside his NHS commitments he also works a day a week in a private specialist referral practice with practice limited to periodontics.