BSP Early Career Group

About the BSP Early Career Group

The BSP Early Career Group (ECG) is a vibrant network of like-minded dentists and dental professionals at the early stages of their careers, all of whom share a passion for and interest in periodontology and implant dentistry.

As a member of the ECG, and with the guidance of the BSP, we hope to support and engage you to meet the challenges you are likely to face in the formative years of your career.

Education plays a key part in the ECG and we support Undergraduate and Postgraduate education and training in perio. We also have strong links with relevant professional groups and affiliated societies and organisations related to periodontology and implant dentistry.

We are keen to support the aims of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, who work tirelessly to promote the art and science of these areas of dentistry. Each year the ECG organise a short-course, details of which will be shown on the Events page of the website. We also hold a social meeting at the Annual Conference, which is a great opportunity to network and get to know the Committee and fellow members.

We welcome all BSP members (including students, non-specialists and those not yet on specialist training pathways).

ECG Masterclass Events

The Chair of the ECG organises an annual course, aimed at inspiring the younger generation of practitioners working within the field of periodontology and implant dentistry. The courses are designed to help them to develop their clinical and management skills.

Minimally Invasive Non-Surgical Technique (MINST)

In 2024, Professor Luigi Nibali & Dr Claire McCarthy presented the ECG Masterclass one-day course in London and Manchester, The courses were both sold-out, attracting dentists, dental hygienists and dental therapists.

Non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT), together with oral hygiene instructions, is the mainstay of periodontal treatment. NSPT has evolved over the last few decades, moving towards a less invasive and more personalised approach. Utilising a novel better understanding of healing mechanisms and state-of the art instruments, minimally-invasive non-surgical periodontal therapy (MINST) has now been shown to lead to considerable clinical and radiographic improvements, even in very advanced cases of periodontal osseous defects.

The course provided a revision of current protocols for non-surgical periodontal therapy and guidance on modern non-surgical instruments and techniques with hands-on training.  The concept of a minimally-invasive approach for periodontal regeneration of intrabony defects was considered, by showing a treatment algorithm adopting the MINST approach.  The hands-on aspects of the course covered non-surgical techniques, describing instruments and techniques for a minimally-invasive approach.

Crown Lengthening Masterclass 2023

In May 2020, Dr Mitul Shah presented an extremely popular hands-on course in Birmingham.

The aim of the course was to help delegates improve their knowledge and clinical proficiency when managing patients with an excess gingival display.

During the first part of the day, delegates participated in lectures and case-based discussions which explored the fundamentals of a facially driven aesthetic assessment and the treatment planning of complex cases. Later, they had the opportunity to actively plan surgery for a real-life case using PowerPoint/Keynote, Photoshop and Digital Smile Design software. Dr Shah worked with the group encouraging them to assess the rationale behind different surgical techniques and key surgical decision making. The hands-on element of the course provided the delegates with the opportunity to develop their skills in performing crown lengthening surgery, including flap management, bone removal with rotary/piezoelectric instruments and advanced suturing techniques. 

Dr Shah was delighted with the excellent feedback from the course and extended his personal thanks to the surgical team who assisted him on the day, Dr Viren Vithlani, Dr Mital Patel and Dr Devan Raindi.

Peri-Implantitis Masterclass 2022

In June 2022, Prof Nikos Donos presented a very successful hands-on course in London.

The first part of the course was classroom based with lectures and case-based discussions around the classification of peri-implant disease and related risk factors.  Different non-surgical and surgical treatments were evaluated and critically appraised for efficacy.

The second part of the masterclass was a hands-on workshop on pig jaws where participants practiced: Resective flap, GBR with the use of a bone graft and a collagen barrier, reverse torque technique (demonstration) and explantation with the use of piezosurgery.

Peri 3
Peri 2
Peri 1

Mucogingival Surgery Masterclass 2020

In January 2020, Dr Paul Baker and Dr Ian Dunn presented an extremely successful hands-on course in Manchester.

The Masterclass was also supported by two dedicated pre-course webinars, allowing the speakers to maximise the hands-on element on the day of the course. This offered the delegates an excellent educational experience for a very reasonable cost and the course quickly became oversubscribed. The course covered various mucogingival techniques including Free Gingival Grafts and root coverage procedures.

The event was a huge success with Dr Baker and Dr Dunn remarking on the fantastic group of delegates. They also extended their personal thanks to Dr Bobby Varghese and Dr Mitul Shah for their excellent assistance on the day during the surgical tasks.

muco 1
muco 2

Regenerative surgical techniques Masterclass 2019

In January 2019, Dr Richard Tucker and Dr Hassan Maghaireh presented a fantastic hands-on course in London.

This course was aimed at dentists with an interest in periodontics, restorative and periodontal specialty trainees, and qualified specialists.

Offering close-up tutoring on a range of periodontal regenerative surgical techniques, as well as use of a variety of regenerative materials. The course proved extremely popular and quickly sold-out. The delegates had the opportunity to practice key clinical treatment techniques for the treatment of infrabony and furcation defects in more advanced periodontal patients.

ECG Leadership Course 2017-18

The ECG Leadership Course was a structured comprising three full days and was designed to inspire the younger generation and help them to develop their leadership skills.

The first two days were led by Peter Lees, Chief Executive and Medical Director, UK Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management. The sessions reflected on what leadership meant and what makes good leaders. It was a gentle introduction to the concept of leadership and one that is key for members of the ECG going forward. Delegates noted the stand-out quote of the day was:

“Good leaders create followers. Great leaders create leaders.”

The final day of the course was presented by Executive Coach and NLP Master Practitioner, Dave Thornton. He provided the delegates with entertaining and thought-provoking sessions on building relationships, understanding different viewpoints, and working with various interaction models to positively influence communications with others.

This event was generously subsidised by BSP Council and kindly sponsored by Oral-B.

leadership 2017 18

ECG Committee

Dr Chandni Shah - BSP ECG Committee
Chandni Shah

Chair of the ECG

Dr Devan Raindi - BSP ECG Committee
Devan Raindi

Past Chair

Dr Jay Parmar - BSP ECG Committee
Jay Parmar


Dr Cher Farrugia - BSP ECG Committee
Cher Farrugia

Mono-Spec Representative

Mr Fergus Machin - BSP ECG Committee
Fergus Machin

General Dental Practitioner Representative

Dr Giuseppe Mainas - BSP ECG Committee
Giuseppe Mainas

Academic Representative

Mrs Jade Campbell - BSP ECG Committee
Jade Campbell

Dental Hygiene and Therapy Representative

Mr Jacob Watts - BSP ECG Committee
Jacob Watts

NHS Representative

Mr Mitul Shah - BSP ECG Committee
Mitul Shah

Past Chair